Bananas in a Blanket are a Fruity Snack for Kids

February 17, 2012

Bananas in a blanket from Fruit and Vegetables More Matters are a fruity snack perfect for kids.  The organization promotes eating more fruits and vegetables and getting kids into the kitchen.  Whole wheat tortillas are spread with peanut butter and honey and then wrapped around a banana.  This is an easy snack that can be put into a packed lunch or made right after school.  Bananas in a blanket are the perfect way to get your kids to eat more healthy foods.


1 (6 inch) whole wheat tortilla
1 tablespoon reduced-fat smooth peanut butter
1 medium banana
1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey
1 tablespoon crunchy, nutty nugget cereal
For full recipe instructions, click here.


janine's picture

can't access directions?

Leah Rodrigues's picture

I fixed the link, thanks for brining it to my attention.  I also pasted the link below.