August 6, 2011

Smart Balance has just acquired the Glutino Food Group, a Quebec-based gluten-free food company that boasts brands like Glutino and Gluten Free Pantry. The purchase will bolster Smart Balance's gluten-free offerings and is projected to boost its sales by 10 percent to 12 percent, according to The Record.
We believe Smart Balance's core competencies will help Glutino further realize its growth potential," said Stephen Hughes, the CEO of Smart Balance. If the adoption of gluten-free lifestyles continues to grow as it has this year, Smart Balance's acquisition will pay off in spades.
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August 6, 2011
Gluten free is not a lifestyle I have adopted 'by choice'. There are thousands and probably even millions of us who are looking forward to many more food choices I'm looking forward to trying new products that we can actually EAT, and that TASTE GOOD.
August 8, 2011
Hi Joyce: Yes, unfortunately there are millions like you who must eat gluten-free because they’ve been diagnosed with Celiac disease or other condition. We’ve helped many individuals improve their diet by eating heart healthier with Smart Balance food products. We hope to apply that expertise to Glutino and make it an even stronger brand for everyone who eats gluten-free.