This is my version of this delicious, traditional Portuguese soup. It's easy, inexpensive and a...
Gujarati Kadhi is more watery than Punjabi kadhi, mildly spiced, sweet-sourness that is typical...
Black bean soup is one of THE most favorite lunch or dinner ideas in my home - Luckily, it also...
Ginger's sharp spicy flavor turns the heat up on a fall recipe. Here is a simple soup that...
This one appeared in the newest Zelda game, Twilight Princess, in the Snowpeak temple as a soup...
There is nothing more comforting and soothing than a bowl of pipping hot soup on a cold day or on...
Chinese soups are so easy to make. I think most of the recipes are “idiot proof”. This one is...
Split mong beans, as any other dry bean, have a lot to offer. They are low in fat, yet rich in...
Here is a wonderful little snack, or brunch item, that is a testament to it's ingredients--not the...
You can use either canned or fresh pumpkin for this. You can also cut down on or eliminate the red...
I just love being able to serve soup for dinner and this one is such fun and so easy! Everyone...