A special holiday like the Fourth of July deserves an extra special dessert like an American flag...
Big & beautiful jumbo-sized blueberry muffins with a crunchy lemon-sugar topping.
Fudgy, decadent, and delicious, brownies are an all-time favorite American treat. This...
Chocolate Cake Infused with Coffee, Topped with Caramel and Whipped Cream Frosting
This cookies and cream cake is a cooling dessert fit from summer. While you might be tempted...
Strawberry shortcake is one of my all time favorite desserts. Erica's Sweet Tooth has...
How to make an edibe garnish from an apple to decorate cocktails, drinks and desserts.
As the temperature begins to rise, cool and creamy desserts are a refreshing treat. The...
Plain cheesecake with blueberry topping
Hungry Happenings always has something colorful and creative up her sleeve. This rainbow...
Apple Cider Doughnuts Submitted to Foodista by The Suburban Soap Box This is a yeastless ...
A batch of freshly made donuts is guaranteed to wake you up in the morning. There is...
Peanut butter cookies are classic. This recipe dresses up store bought peanut butter cookie dough...
This sour cream pound cake from Picture Perfect Meals is a simple and straightforward dessert. The...
This chocolate and vanilla chess cake from Nerdy Nummies is the epitome of playing with your...
Ice box pies are a staple at summertime cookouts. These creamy and delicious desserts are...