These Peppermint Marshmallow Hot Chocolate Cookies are super easy, delightfully scrumptious and the...
These simple 2 ingredient dark chocolate truffles are rich, creamy and so tasty. Make them for...
Make your loved ones gingerbread French toast with cinnamon honey sauce! A great breakfast-in-bed...
This Creamy Dulce de Leche hot chocolate is your go to drink this winter! It’s rich, creamy and...
Ready in under thirty minutes, moist, soft and sweet, these paleo banana and blueberry muffins...
Surprise your loved ones with this easy to make Christmas chocolate bark with coconut! An edible...
Rich & creamy petit fours. Thin Layers of baked honey flavored pastry are filled with pudding...
The holiday season is all about homemade sweet and treats. These snowman cupcakes from Happy...
Foodista user Lauren Short of Lauren Caris Cooks shared a dynamite recipe for vegan meringue...
Peppermint Oreo Crunch Cake - vanilla cake with a peppermint oreo crunch stuffed inside and...
Marbled with sweet, sticky cranberry sauce, this nice cream is full of winter flavours, and is a...
I have fond memories of decorating gingerbread men cookies with family during the holiday season....
Sugar cookie bars is a quick and easy holiday recipe that even the kids can prepare. Store...
Vegan Meringue Kisses, made using aquafaba The perfect little festive treat! These cute little...
Butterbeer cupcakes - Butterscotch and cream soda loaded butterbeer cupcakes to celebrate Harry...
Laughing Cow Sugar Cookies - Soft, tender sugar cookies that only takes 6 ingredients and some...
Steamed chocolate pudding cake is a modern take on a classic English dessert. This dynamite...
Hot chocolate cookies are the perfect way to eat the flavors of the classic holiday drink. A...
Chocolate Almond Pillow Cookies have a secret to reveal. Inside these puffy little gems is a pocket...
Cranberry Orange Creamsicle Cookies - sweet & tart & delicious! With white chocolate chips...