Strawberry Sugar Cookies - Delicious cut-out strawberry flavored sugar cookies with little heart...
Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars - oatmeal bars made from peanut butter oatmeal cookie dough...
Rich, cheesy, creamy, chocolatey, perfectly sweet, you don't want to miss this to-die-for...
4 layer double dark chocolate & raspberry cheesecake with vegan meringue kisses and juicy...
Nutella Filled Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies - cake like red velvet cookies with a delicious nutella...
Strawberries & cream are a match made in heaven and i wanted to make some pancakes...
Cake, everybody loves cake! And fudge. So why not add the two together?
A super easy cinnamon apple recipe that only requires 4 ingredients and 10 minutes of hands-on time...
Almond Joy Cookies feature a light and fluffy chocolate cookie baked to perfection, topped with...
Strawberry Parfait Energy Bites: No-bake gluten-free treats with oats, almonds, dates, maple syrup...
Strawberry Lemon Creme Crepe Cake - light & creamy & perfectly sweet! With mascarpone...
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bars feature cocoa, oats, and chocolate chips to make this rich,...
This is quite a simple version of a yoghurt cake with mascarpone replacing the yoghurt. I’ve found...
Raspberry almond smoothie is a great choice for those looking for dairy free alternatives but also...
No baking skills? You don't need them to prepare this beautiful and super easy Simple Fresh...
This Chocolate Peppermint Skillet Cookie will be the holiday hit at your next party. It’s full of...
Chocolate Cookies For Two - rich chocolate cookies with a chocolate candy bar center and topped...
Chocolate Pecan Pie - easy chocolate filled pecan pie that's delicious served cold or warm.
Coffee Custard Filled Donuts - Deep fried donuts filled with a sweet coffee custard. These donuts...
We have so many talented cooks and bakers in our Foodista community. It is important to me...