The partnership between Taco Bell and Frito-Lay continues to grow with the suddenly announced...
PepsiCo's Frito-Lay has created an extension on its Cracker Jack line with Cracker Jack'd,...
PepsiCo's energy drinks, Monster, Amp, and 5-Hour Energy drinks are under investigation fro...
Megabrand PepsiCo has announced a multi-year deal to sponsor the Super Bowl halftime show. The...
Frito-Lay is planning to target the so-called 1 percent of America through a new high-end snack...
PepsiCo's Doritos and the Lonely Island have teamed up to donate $250,000 to Berkeley Unified...
Specially labeled 1-liter bottles of Brisk Iced Tea are the product of Pepsi's promotional...
PepsiCo is releasing the all-new Doritos Jacked tortilla chips at Austin's SXSW interactive,...
PepsiCo Beverages Canada launched the 7UP EcoGreen bottle in the Great White North on July 13. The...