Black eyed peas are a staple in Southern cooking but they are usually cooked with pork products....
Mushroom bacon is a tasty vegetarian substitute to the real thing. Mushrooms are packed with...
These roasted radishes from Beloved Green are simple and delicious. The lonesome radish often...
Vegetarian chow mein from Fuss Free Cooking is a delicious dish for Meatless Monday. Egg...
This recipe has it all: It is rich and flavorful, creamy, and decadent. It is also surprisingly...
Enjoy the last days of summer with this delicious vegan almond cherry ice cream. The base...
Savor this frittata with sun dried tomatoes, roasted peppers and kale from Mother Rimmy for...
This Asian chopped salad with fried wontons is bursting with flavor. The most work that is...
Take a break from the heat and make these delicious vegan mango chia seed ice pops from May I Have...
For a cool, creamy treat, check out this recipe for making a Vegan friendly Raspberry Sorbet. From...
Nothing brings children to the veggie platter better, than a good ranch dressing to dip into. This...
I (Amy) don't remember when I started making my own soy milk and tofu. I think it was...
These roasted vegetable tacos from The Roasted Root are a dynamite meatless meal. Cubes of...
Tomato, mozzarella, and basil pasta from Giangi's Kitchen is a simple summer dish. ...
Rice salad can be a very delicious and satisfying summertime meal. Fluffy cooked rice is...
So much more than a simple stuffed veg, this Tofu Stuffed Pepper recipe, includes a surprising...
A simple, yet delicious way to make a fabulous grilled vegetable sandwich. Check out this awesome...
Spinach and artichoke stuffed tomatoes are a delightful vegetarian meal. Plump summer...
The list of benefits to this next recipe is long. We love the portability of oatmeal baked into...
This superfood salad from Healthier Steps is packed with flavor and nutrition. Raw kale is...