Caramelized tofu with rice noodles will transport you to the tropical cities in Southeast Asia....
A delicious dessert by any account, this Easter Bunny's Vegan Ambrosia Salad, is perfect...
Stuffed Portobello mushrooms with quinoa is a nutritious and satisfying meal. Large capped...
Candle 79 Cookbook is based on the premiere New York vegan restaurant of the same name. The...
Spinach and mushroom pasta is a quick and easy meatless meal. Garlic, jalapenos, and...
Asparagus season has arrived and this recipe for honey and garlic glazed roasted asparagus is...
Pad thai is probably the most popular Thai take out dish. Rice noodles are tossed in a sweet...
This vegan sushi recipe from Noms for the Poor is delicious and satisfying. Quinoa is wrapped...
We all deserve a treat now and then, even if following a Gluten Free diet. Who doesn't love...
Fresh ravioli are one of the true delights of the culinary world. Making ravioli at home is...
Spaghetti Squash Tacos, will satisfy your craving for Mexican food, while keeping things lighter in...
Check out this tasty cooking video we found, by Manjula's Kitchen. She shows us how to make...
This vegan broccoflower soup from Kiran Tarun is a comforting meal for any night of the week....
Spicy lemongrass soup is a light and flavorful dish that is vegan and gluten-free. Fresh...
Vegan caramel popcorn cones from My Vegan Cookbook are the perfect snack to watch the Awards...
This stellar vegan spaghetti with avocado sauce from Oh, Ladycakes is an easy and delicious dish....
There is nothing to improve upon with pizza, unless it is this Okonomiyake, or Japanese Pizza! This...
Spinach and cheese stuffed peppers are an easy and satisfying dinner option. Spinach is...
Slow Cooker split pea soup is a satisfying dish that is perfect for stress-free weeknight cooking....
This seven layer salad in a jar from Oh She Glows is a healthy lunch to take to work or bring to a...