So many times, we hear that someone enjoys the taste of couscous, but they have no idea how to cook...
Red lentil curry is a tasty gluten-free and vegan dish. Lentils are a great source of protein...
Sweet potato flatbread from Simply Irresistible is a delicious meatless meal. Cubes of sweet...
Creamy and filling, try this delightful egg salad-sans eggs! Using mashed tofu, bring that rich and...
What a great way to warm you up, after a fall outing? Try this spicy red lentil soup for your...
Pumpkin rice balls from Apron Strings are a healthy Halloween snack. This time of year brings...
These butternut squash "fries" are a fabulous dish. This is a healthy alternative...
Butternut squash ravioli with wild mushrooms is seasonal dish that highlights fall flavors. ...
This vegan broccoli soup from Healthy Kitschy Vegan is a healthy dinner option. You will feel...
Avocado egg rolls from The Crucian Contessa are an awesome appetizer. Creamy cubes of avocado...
Gluten-free vegetarian tostadas by Oishii Treats are totally delicious. This...
Cozy up next to the fire with a bowl of this delicious roasted pumpkin and barley risotto from...
Taste the flavors of the Middle East with these gluten-free baked falafel from The Copycat Cook....
Okra and corn tart is a seasonal dish from Princess Tofu. This meatless meal is so easy and...
Fall has arrived and with that all you favorite pumpkin desserts and dishes. This vegan...
Change up your Meatless Monday menu with this crunchy sprouted salad from The Kitchen Fix. ...
This raw kale salad by the Roasted Root is a simple but hearty dish. Kale is a superfood,...
Spicy potatoes with green chili tofu from Chef Priyanka will awaken your taste buds. Inspired...
Curried lentil and spinach soup is warm and comforting. Not only is this soup delicious but...
Aloo gobi is a traditional Indian side dish made with cauliflower and potatoes. This recipe...