Tool: Whistling Tea Kettle


Once water has come to a boil inside the kettle, steam rises inside and out through the top of the kettle, through a whistle, announcing when water is boiling.


Translations: Whistling Tēja Kettle, Sveikata ir sauga arbatos virdulys, Şuierător Ceai Kettle, Fijuče čaj kotlić, Huýt sáo trà Ấm siêu tốc, Czajnik Whistling, Fluiten theeketel, सीटी चाय केतली, Chaleira de assobio do chá, Чай Чайник со свистком, Σφύριγμα Βραστήρας Τσάι, أباريق الشاي صفير, 휘파람 차 주전자, Pískání varná konvice, Звиждање чај котлић, Sumisipol Tea Kettle, 响托亚克特尔, Caldera que xiula te, Zažvižgati Tea Kettle, Pískanie varná kanvica, שריקה קומקום תה, Visslande Tea Kettle, Bersiul Tea Kettle, ホイッスリングティーケトル, Bouilloire Whistling, Whistling Teekessel, Fløjtende Tea Kettle, Fløyting Tea Kettle, Caldera que silba té, Чай Чайник зі свистком, Vihellys teepannu, Свирейки чай Чайник



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Sarah LaClaire's picture

Aww, I've always wanted a whistling tea kettle, and now you guys have one in pink? That is SO adorable! Do you know where I can buy one of those, and how much water it holds? This is just perfect!