Some good times are spent around a good dip. It is a great way to get to eat your veggies, fruit...
The recipe is very simple, the dough is very flexible and easy to work and the filling ... divine!...
Rich with sour cream and two types of paprika, this yummy chicken dish will be a sure winner at the...
Every cook needs a dynamite recipe for mashed potatoes. These easy whipped sour cream mashed...
On October 9th, 2012, Tropical Foods had its Flavors of the Fall Recipe Contest with the culinary...
This dressing is light and creamy!!! Perfect for salad and party dips!!
This is a perfect picnic meal for any summer holiday!!
Chipotle Mexican Grill announced that they using 100 percent pastured raised sour cream at all...
In our home, pancakes are a rare and exceptional treat. When we do make pancakes, it’s always from...
Serve with your favorite fresh veggies and dipping chips. With Love, Catherine xo
Lemon sour cream pound cake is a delicious and moist baked treat. It cake be served for...
Old Fashioned Sour Cream Donuts turned it into Strawberry Shortcake!
YUM! I LOVE crepes! Ever since I was little and my grandma made me strawberry jam filled crepes I...
One of my thanksgiving traditions is about having company on Saturday, I like to use the day to...
Having a list of cakes and other simple to make treats in your recipe box, is always a good idea....