Grilled Potato Salad With Creamy Herbal Dressing
I was asked to bring a potato salad for a family July 4th party. Well, not really asked... It's more like I volunteered to bring something and my friend suggested that I bring a potato salad. But because I am such a difficult person, I could not settle for just buying one from the store. I decided to make my own.
I know it's just a potato salad, but sometimes I complicate things more than I need to. I went searching for recipes for potato salads. I was searching for pesto potato salad due to my love for herbs. I narrowed down to Grilled Potato Salad with Parsley Pesto by Aaron McCargo Jr. -- which inspired me to take his version and make it a little more party friendly.
I did not have enough parsley and pine nuts at home, so I used combination of herbs and nuts. I also wanted the salad to be more American in celebration of independence day - so I added sour cream and mayo. My other addition was grilled onions, since I love them so much.
I think this recipe is tasty no matter how you cook, or what type of herbs you end up using. I don't think if it really matters much at what temperature you serve either. The end result will be tasty and party friendly.