French Pear Cream Dessert
12 Graham Crackers (2 1/2-Inch Square)
2 cups Pear Halves ( 1 16-Ounce Can)
inch Packed Fruit Juice, Drained
And Liquid Reserved
1 pkt Jello Sugar-Free Instant Vanilla Pudding
2/3 cup Carnation Nonfat Dry Milk Powder
1/2 teaspoon Brandy Extract
1/4 cup Raspberry Spreadable Fruit Spread
1 cup Cool Whip Lite
Evenly arrange 9 of the graham crackers in a 9x9-inch cake pan. Coarsely chop pears and evenly sprinkle over graham crackers. In a medium bowl, combine dry pudding mix and dry milk powder. Add enough water to reserved pear juice to make 1 cup liquid. Add liquid to pudding mixture. Mix well using a wire whisk. Blend in brandy extract, raspberry spreadable fruit, and 1/4 cup of the cool whip lite. Spread pudding mixture evenly over pears. Refrigerate 30 min. Spread remaining 3/4 cup co
Variation: try substituting bananas, sugar-free banana pudding, 1 cup water, and 1/2 tsp. Banana extract for the pears, sugar-free vanilla pudding, 1 cup water/fruit juice mix, and brandy extract.
8.0 servings
Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 10:10pm