Lunjiao Yeasted White Sugar Cake


100 grams Rice flour, sifted
80 grams White sugar
200 mls Water
1/2 teaspoon Active dry yeast
1/2 tablespoon Lukewarm water
1/4 teaspoon Baking powder


Whisk rice flour, water and sugar together in a mixing bowl. Cook over low heat until the mixture has become thick, but still runny. Keep stirring to avoid any lump during cooking. Press the mixture through a sieve and leave to cool.
Mix the yeast and warm water and add in the cooled rice mixture together with the baking powder. Stir to combine. Let rest for 6 or 8 hours at the room temperature. Grease a 6 inch steamer lined with foil and pour in the rice mixture. Steam over the high heat with boiled water for about 20 minutes.




Michelle's picture

I want to know how many cup of rice flour and sugar


"Lunjiao Cake" or "White sugar cake", or "Pak Tong Koh" is made from rice flour, white sugar, water, yeast and baking powder. It was created during the Ming Dynasty in Lunjiao district Shunde Guangdong province. The creator was a hawker named Liang who sells steamed sponge. One day he made a mistake with the proportion of water and flour while making sponge cakes, and the steamed sponge failed to raise and instead it was flat. Surprisingly, the new cake sold better because it's more tasty and refreshing. Hence the Chinese name "Lunjiao Cake".


1 servings


Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 4:03pm


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