Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Bread Pudding

Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL:
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
There’s no witty anecdote behind this post. What we’ve got here is a creation of necessity with the need being a free trip to Chicago…STAT! Many Foodbuzzers know that the deadline is today to submit an entry to win a trip for two to Outstanding in the Field. We love Chicago, we love to cook, there are two of us…it only makes sense that we should give it the old college (*ahem* post-grad) try. The challenge: Use at least one of these ingredients in a recipe–bananas, cashews, cranberries, macadamia nuts, raspberries, almonds, chocolate, coconut or cherries. This is the first time we’ve entered a foodie competition that requires the use of specific ingredients, and it’s safe to say it won’t be the last. Here’s hoping we are winners of course, but in the end, the fun and games of it all is the best part.
See, here’s the thing. We figured, ‘Hey. All of these ingredients are great on their own, so why not in combination?’ Never could we have known! This was so good, we had to slap each other around a few times just to make sure we weren’t dreaming. Whether we win the trip or not, we succeeded in eating half of this sweet treat straight out of the dish. So in the end, we’re still winners. This ain’t yo momma’s bread pudding, and that’s all we can say about that!