Finger Millet
Photo: flickr user Steven Jackson
Widely grown as a cereal in the arid areas of Africa and Asia.
Translations: Finger prosa, Pirštais Soros, Deget Millet, Prst proso, Palec Millet, उंगली बाजरा, Фингер Просо, Finger Κεχρί, اصبع الدخن, 핑거 밀레, Prst Proso, Finger dawa, 手指谷子, Mill africà, Prst Proso, מייה Finger, Прст просо, シコクビエ, Millet, Finger-Hirse, Finger Hirse, Mijo africano, Фінгер Просо, Пръст Миле