Eating Dog Food For a Month

February 28, 2011

Two pet food company owners will do exactly that, in an effort to show potential customers that their food is fit for human consumption. Hanna Mandelbaum, 30, and Alison Wiener, 38, founded Evermore Pet Food one year ago and promise their dog food is made with whole ingredients that are fit for human consumption.

They know their food is healthy and want to prove it. Starting March 1, they will eat their company's food for at least one meal everyday. Ingredients include ground up organs like livers and hearts, but also spices and sometimes fresh fruits like blueberries.

"We eat it all the time," Wiener, a personal chef, told The New York Daily News. "The beef liver has a stronger taste to it. We prefer the chicken."

Their containers can be found in most parts of New York City and retail for between $12 and $15. The women got some great publicity when two Today Show morning anchors tried their food on-air. You can see the two women chowing down on their product in the picture below.

Photo courtesy TheFunkyApple



Grace K's picture

How does this prove that the dog food is fit for human consumption? Alpo is "fit" for human consumption, too, because I am pretty sure that if I had it for one out of three meals per day -- I would not die within a month's time. I'd probably need to apologize to my toilet in advance, but it won't kill me.

While I am completely behind producing excellent dog food for canines, the food should be fit for dogs -- not necessarily humans -- and most importantly, provide excellent nutrition for dogs who eat ONLY this canned food or kibble for their meals. Last time I checked, dogs don't get to eat two other meals to balance out their diets.

Therefore, essentially -- while this is an effective publicity stunt to get a brand known -- it doesn't come close to proving anything about the dog food except that eating it won't kill a human being. I expect a lot more science behind dog food than that!

-Grace K
San Francisco Food
Tauglichkeit German Shepherds

Crazy Eddie's picture

It's a great publicity stunt but I also agree that it doesn't really prove anything. Of course, that's not what advertising is about. Sadly, imagery and stunts sell better than science.

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