White Long-Grain Rice
Rice is a grain that has been cultivated for centuries and is a staple food in Asian countries. It is classified by it's size: long, medium, and short grain.
White long-grain rice are light and separates easily when cooked, an example of this is the famous Indian Basmati Rice which is more flavorful and has a nut-like flavor.
Other names: Basmati
Translations: Balts garengraudu rīsi, Baltoji ilgagrūdžių ryžių, Alb cu bob lung Orez, Bijela Long-Grain Rice, Białego ryżu długoziarnistego, Witte langkorrelige rijst, लंबे समय से अनाज सफेद चावल, Arroz branco de grão longo, Белый Лонг-Зерно риса, Λευκό ρύζι σε κόκκους μακρούς, أبيض طويل الحبوب الأرز, 화이트 장기 그레인 라이스, Bílá Long-rýže, 白色长粒米, Blanc de gra llarg, White Rice dolgozrnatega riža, Biela Long-ryže, White riso a grani lunghi, אורז לבן גרגרים ארוך, Vitt långkornigt ris, Бели пиринач дугог зрна, ホワイトロング粒ライス, White riz à grains longs, White Langkornreis, White langkornet ris, Hvit langkornet ris, Blanco de grano largo, Білий Лонг-Зерно рису, Valkoinen pitkäjyväisen riisin, Бял дългозърнест ориз