Favorite Moist Chocolate Cake

Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL: http://kitchensimplicity.com/moist-chocolate-cake/
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
When I was in high school my sister-in-law and I decided to make a cake as a surprise for my mom’s birthday. We successful snuck her trusty mixer out of the house to the church next door, giddy with excitement that we were going to pull off such a wonderful surprise. We got to work, with me manning the mixer and feeling ultra important. I was doing so well and everything was going swimmingly. I left the mixer for a moment and continued on my merry way to complete the other important tasks in front of me. Suddenly we were startled by a grinding, gargling sound as the mixer gasped for air. We rushed to it’s aid and discovered that I had left the spatula in the bowl and it had gotten tangled in the beaters. We tried to free it from it’s agonizing pain, but it was too late. The motor had burnt out. It had died a painful and tragic death. We hung our heads and carried the lifeless mixer back to the house. Happy Birthday Mom! Surprise?
Thankfully I have an understanding Mom who likes to laugh in the face of adversity (in this case probably to keep from crying). Since then I have become a much better cook and hopefully a little wiser. I have made many a cake with no ones mixer being the worse for it. Including this one. I actually like to mix this cake by hand because it is so easy to whip up and only dirties one bowl. I have made this cake on numerous occasions and it is a definite favourite. It is chocolatey, moist, and delicious. It goes with numerous amounts of fillings and variations. The cake pictured above was for my son’s 1st birthday back in June. I froze it, along with it’s filling of Strawberry Cheesecake Mousse and topped it with Ganache. Which made for an icy delight. The one below is simply filled with a Coconut Creme Filling. But, this is one cake that I can eat completely on it’s own with no added icings or fillings. Not too sweet and just perfect!
February 18, 2010
This is a stunning photo- I want to just sweep my finger through that mousse and lick it before cutting myself a generous slice.
April 16, 2013
Can i use strawberry jam instead of fresh strawberries
April 19, 2013
You can, I would just cut down on the sugar or leave it out all together. Taste it first and then add additional sugar if needed.
April 22, 2013
Nice picture of a beautiful cake. I will send you my picture of your recipe of the chocolate cake erupting all over my oven. This recipe is horrible and you need to recheck your ingredients because this cake will not turn out like your picture if you follow your recipe. Cook better than your mother???????? Hate to taste anything your mom cooked
April 22, 2013
Random commenter online vs. published blogger? I trust the recipe. What would possibly cause it to erupt? Turned out just like the picture for me.