Technique: Descaling Fish
Descaling Fish is a cleaning process which uses a knife to scrape the scales off of a fish.
To descale a fish:
1. Lay the fish flat on its side and then take a dull knife (you can even use the backside of a knife) and hold it at a ninety degree angle to the torso of the fish, and scrape it from tail to head.
2. Continue scraping the fish until all the scales are gone. Flip it over and repeat on the other side.
Tip: You do not need to descale a fish that you plan on skinning prior to cooking or serving.
Tip 2: Hold the fish uner water for the process and you wont have scales all over your kitchen arms hands etc just rinse out the sink and ure cleaned up!
Other names: Clean A Fish, Remove Fish Scales
Translations: Katlakmens noņemšanas Zivis, Nuosėdų Žuvys, Îndepărtarea depunerilor de calcar de peşte, Riba uklanjanje kamenca, Tẩy cặn cá, Usuwanie kamienia Fish, Ontkalken Vis, मछली descaling, Descalcificação Fish, Очистка от накипи рыбы, Αφαίρεση αλάτων Ψάρια, إزالة الترسبات الأسماك, 물고기를 Descaling, Odstranění vodního kamene Ryby, Десцалинг Риба, Descaling Isda, 除鳞鱼, Descalcificació de peix, Odstranjevanje vodnega kamna Fish, Odstránenie vodného kameňa Ryby, Decalcificazione di pesce, Descaling פיש, Avkalkning Fisk, Kerak Ikan, 魚をスケール除去, Écaillage du poisson, Entkalken Fish, Afkalkning Fisk, Avkalkingsmiddel Fish, Descalcificación de pescado, Очищення від накипу риби, Kalkinpoisto Fish, Отстраняване на котления камък риба
December 14, 2012
Nice post! Thanks for sharing your wonderful idea.
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