Spices are any of the aromatic substances of vegetable origin used to flavor food. They can come from the fruit, root, leaf, or bark of a plant. They are usually dried and ground or grated into powder.
Other names:
Translations: Garšvielas, Prieskoniai, Condimente, Začini, Gia vị, Przyprawy, Kruiden, मसाले, Temperos, Специи, Μπαχαρικά, توابل, 향료, Koření, Зачини, Pampalasa, 香料, Espècies, Začimbe, Korenie, Spezie, תבלינים, Kryddor, Bumbu-bumbu, スパイス, Épices, Gewürze, Krydderier, Krydder, Especias, Спеції, Mausteet, Подправки
December 11, 2011
Spice means "Fruits of the Earth". Spices can be either whole or ground. Whole spices are in their natural forms - seeds, nuts, bark, roots, flowers, leaves, buds or fruit. Ground spices are ground by food mill or grinder.