Angelina Jolie has been getting some flak lately for her seemingly shrinking frame and now one source is coming forward to say that the reason Jolie has been looking so skinny is because she is only consuming 600 calories a day.
"Angelina has been known to start her day with a little more than a spoonful of coconut oil and a handful of cereal," the source said. "The worrying thing is that she is so busy, she often forgets to eat. Sometimes she'll skip lunch altogether or will just grab a few almonds and some gummy bears while she's on the go, or will have a protein-based shake rather than anything more substantial. Then dinner could be something like a lean steak and a glass of red wine."
The source also claims that Jolie currently only weighs 97 pounds.
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November 22, 2011
She's being a terrible example to her children.
November 22, 2011
She's being a terrible example to her children.
November 23, 2011
The weight is merely a rumor. At her height she could not walk weighing only 97lbs. She has a small frame and height, she would look thin at 140.
December 11, 2011
Not true- at 5 feet-11 inches I weighed 99 lbs and was very active in dance & track.
December 8, 2011
At least she speaks proper English, Linda. Maybe you should focus on being a good example for your own children.