Red Currant Streusel Bars
200 grams All-purpose flour
100 grams Dried coconut shreds
180 grams Butter at room temperature, cut into small pieces
175 grams Caster sugar
80 grams Almond, chopped
20 grams Almond slices
250 grams Red currants
Place two thirds of the mixture into the base of the baking pan, spread it out and press down lightly. Scatter the red currants on top, sprinkle the rest of the mixture over, then the almond slices and press everything down lightly. Bake for 40 minutes until pale golden on top. Transfer to a wire rack, cool slightly and cut into 12-16 pieces.
Red currants are quite tart, but very juicy and delicious and can be eaten raw right off the stems or cooked. They have a high vitamin C and B1 content, and perfect for jams, sauces, tarts or as a simple accompaniment in salads, garnishes, or drinks when in season.
16.0 slices
Friday, July 30, 2010 - 5:00am
July 30, 2010
You have cranberries listed in the recipe- do you mean currants?
July 30, 2010
Oops! I was thinking about these currants were as sour as cranberries while working on the recipe...;-0
Yes, I meant red currants...Thanks, Chris!
Wish you a wonderful weekend!