Wicked Good Clam Chowdah

Category: Soups & Salads | Blog URL: http://eveningswithpeter.blogspot.com/2010/01/clam-chowder.html
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
At the ripe old age of 83 (he just turned so today), my Dad still goes digging for clams in the summer at our cozy cottage in Friendship, Maine--he disappears for hours at a time--to bring back the most delicious mollusks from Muscongus Bay which we steam and dip in butter, or marinate with gin, clam juice, and apple cider vinegar for soused clams (an excellent garnish for an extra dry martini!) or make into a chowder. When Baby and I were home over Christmas, Dad sent us back to New York with the best gift of all--juicy clams he had dug up, vacuum-sealed and frozen from this past summer's haul. Although I started with a delicious recipe from my father, I feel I complicated it a bit, haphazardly trying to make my first clam chowder, but as we are to take recipes and adapt them into something of our own, passing them down along the way, I think the extra time and labor ended up creating another wonderful Down Maine dish that I'd be proud to serve in Friendship.
Happy Birthday! My dear old Dad!
March 1, 2010
Seeing as we live in the South Shore of Massachusetts, we just had to try this. Wow, it's "wicked awesome chowdah" :-)
March 16, 2010
Wicked doesn't describe how good it is!
March 31, 2013
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