Your in luck, i specialize in the medieval period.
Beef and mutton were the main meat dishes, but venison (deer meat) was eaten after a successful hunt. Since a refrigerator wasn't invented yet the animals were kept close to the kitchen for slaughtering. Meat was heavily salted to preserve it. Rich sauces were useful to disguise the taste of over-ripe meat in winter. (its really disgusting). Poultry and eggs were often eaten, wild birds such as pheasant found their way to the dinner plate. Herbs and vegetables grown in the castle garden were also eaten. (garlic, onions, beans ect...).
Exotic food was also served, especially if it was a very special occasion. At this occassion food like peacock, crane were served. (its quite tasty, i've tried it). The pheasant was served with some of its feathers stuck back onto its body becuase knights and lords liked their food to look real.
Depending on where in the world you lived, fruits were greatly enjoyed. In the northern latitude apples, pears grew. Further south figs, grapes, oranges and lemons were grown.
Wine was used like water, it was drunk all the time wherever you were, if your a knight of course. Peasants had the pleasure of drinking the risky water.
Desert was sometimes almond milk pudding. Milk was used alot in cooking, not for drinking so deserts like this were considered a delicacy.
Most meals were eaten on trenchers, round, flat stale bread which was given to peasants or the dogs after they were used.
February 22, 2010
Knights typically eat a hearty meal of wild game and roasted potatoes.
April 11, 2013
Your in luck, i specialize in the medieval period.
Beef and mutton were the main meat dishes, but venison (deer meat) was eaten after a successful hunt. Since a refrigerator wasn't invented yet the animals were kept close to the kitchen for slaughtering. Meat was heavily salted to preserve it. Rich sauces were useful to disguise the taste of over-ripe meat in winter. (its really disgusting). Poultry and eggs were often eaten, wild birds such as pheasant found their way to the dinner plate. Herbs and vegetables grown in the castle garden were also eaten. (garlic, onions, beans ect...).
Exotic food was also served, especially if it was a very special occasion. At this occassion food like peacock, crane were served. (its quite tasty, i've tried it). The pheasant was served with some of its feathers stuck back onto its body becuase knights and lords liked their food to look real.
Depending on where in the world you lived, fruits were greatly enjoyed. In the northern latitude apples, pears grew. Further south figs, grapes, oranges and lemons were grown.
Wine was used like water, it was drunk all the time wherever you were, if your a knight of course. Peasants had the pleasure of drinking the risky water.
Desert was sometimes almond milk pudding. Milk was used alot in cooking, not for drinking so deserts like this were considered a delicacy.
Most meals were eaten on trenchers, round, flat stale bread which was given to peasants or the dogs after they were used.
I hope i helped i you.