Tool: Chef'n Flexicado Avocado Slicer
Photo: Sur La Table
A tool that vertically halves an avocado, then removes the pit.
Durable nylon body, dishwasher safe and kid-friendly.
Translations: Avokado Nazis, Αβοκάντο Slicer, الأفوكادو القطاعة, Авокадо Slicer, Avocat Trancheuse, アボカドスライサー, Avokado Šlicer, Alpukat Slicer, Avocado Krajalnica, Avokadoöljyä Slicer, 아보카도 슬라 이서, Abukado Slicer, Авокадо Slicer, אבוקדו מבצעה, Abacate Slicer, Cortadora de aguacate, 鳄梨切片机, Авокадо слицер, Talladora d'alvocat, Авокадо Slicer
August 17, 2010
If you're a South African, and would like to get your hands on this sneaky tool, but it online here and get free delivery anywhere in South Africa: