After drinking two cans of Four Loko energy drink, 15-year-old Bo Rupp from Fairfax County, Va. was ejected from a concert for intoxication. On the way home, Rupp fled from his mother, sat down in the middle of a dark road, was struck by an SUV and killed. The Rupp family is suing, Phusion Projects in Chicago, the makers of Four Loko, saying their son didn't realize would make him so drunk and cause him to act so irrationally, the Washington Post is reporting.
The suit goes on to state that drinking just one can of Four Loko is the alcohol equivalent of drinking five to six beers.
Four Loko has since changed the controversial formula and released a statement saying their product is only intended for use by people over 21.
Fairfax County Police Sgt. Bill Fulton told the Centre View, a local paper, “kids don’t understand that — when they drink 23 ounces of an energy drink — they’re drinking the equivalent of a bottle of wine in five minutes.”
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May 20, 2011
This story makes me so sad. I just don't feel like we need any one drink to have the effects of five-six.