Originally a stewed vegetable dish from the Provence region of France, it can be used in a variety...
This is a great easy recipe. Introducing the new Philadelphia Cooking Creme - the Savory Garlic...
Sweet and sour Chunky Tomato Chutney or you can say Indianised Salsa to enjoy with your favorite...
I used Jack's Gourmet Kosher Sausages, not only because they are delicious but are also the only...
Serve with rice, mashed potatoes, or potato pancakes. This was really delicious. Cut olive oil to...
Mmm... bacon. The BLT proves that something simple can be delicious. Try adding avocado for a BLTA...
A super healthy and super easy recipe. I like to keep this in the fridge at all times -great for a...
Mushroom Goulash is a dish that I frequently prepare for my vegetarian friends. Sometimes it can...
Most Eggplant Parmigiana recipes require you to fry the eggplants prior to baking, but I skip that...
These babies are extremely versatile. They make perfect little party bites, but could also be made...
www.barcelonabites.com I'm always looking for ways to incorporate local Spanish ingredients into...
Mom's recipe, revamped with adding more veggies to it for a heartier sauce!