Eggs can be marinated, chilled, in an airtight container for up to 3 days, and can be filled 2...
Apple Cranberry Variation: Substitue 2-3 40 oz jars of Treetop Apple-Cranberry Juice with no sugar...
This is a nice, basic turkey recipe that yields good results. Adapted from Mark Bittman'...
This is quick and easy to make. Since the whole orange is used, including the rind, it is...
Adapted from
This is one of my family's favorite recipes for Thanksgiving and one which has became legend among...
Serve or store refrigerated for up to four days. Adapted from Country Living
This dish is great during the holidays after everyone is tired of turkey and dressing. Cooked...
Adapted from Gourmet, November 2009 by Ian Knauer