What is turducken? It is a chicken stuffed inside a duck which is then stuffed inside a turkey...
Cool whip works well in this recipe, but use whatever you can find. For a quick and easy pumpkin...
Playing around a couple weeks ago, we injected a turkey and then smoked it at 150 degrees for five...
The perfect after-Thanksgiving soup. You could also substitute chicken or use rice instead of...
Cookies can also be frosted with a powdered sugar glaze. Chocolate chips are a fun addition.
Look for Morton's Tender Quick in your supermarket's spice section near salt or order on...
For the best flavor, use a homemade turkey stock.
I cover the wings with foil so they don't dry out. I bake it all night.
A lighter alternative to traditional pumpkin pie.
This glaze adds a rich shine to turkey and also enhances the flavor of the gravy. The glaze may be...
NOTE: You can use nonfat milk instead of whole milk and the recipe will still work great! Prep...
If turkey is grilled further from coals, increase cooking time.
The Holiday Loaf is really delicious, but definitely a rich, feast day type of food. Makes a...