The amounts of basil, spinach, pasta, garlic, and cream can easily be adjusted to suit your taste...
This is a quick and easy way to get some good quality nutrients and antioxidants first thing in...
This is a quick and easy way to get some good quality nutrients and antioxidants first thing in...
This recipe is 82cents per one cup serving! Litterally filled with vitaminsa and minerals from A...
This recipe is 82cents per one cup serving! Litterally filled with vitaminsa and minerals from A...
This is another dish that I grew up having over and over. My mom always made this dish for our...
There are many types of spinach pie - spanakopita - in Greece. This one is the classical spinach...
The flavour of this soup is unbelievable — there’s the somewhat bland but reassuring flavour of...
Before my family and I changed to a plant-based diet, one of our absolute favorite recipes was the...
-For a stronger lemon taste grate some of the peel in or add the juice of a second lemon to taste...
With the Super Bowl fast approaching, our attention turns to perfect party food, quick bites and...
Also known as Byrek me spinaq or Byrek Shqipëtar me perime, this vegetable pie is considered a...
Spinach and Strawberries pair beautifully together—color-wise and flavor. The vinaigrette is one...