This is an easy and delicious dish made with layers of spinach and cheese. Whole milk cottage...
We love to eat this warm, or cool. Set out a platter of chewy bread slices, raw veggies and call...
Serve with spiced rice pilaf and a green salad.
A simple, delicious, fast pasta dish is always a win in my book. I found this at
Perfectly Braised, succulent chicken thighs. Adapted from Stella Culinary
I first had this pizza in a restaurant in Spain believe it or not. I loved it so much that I...
Delicious flavors come together in the pasta dish.
As the More is More Mom®, I’m all about……more Easter recipes! Spring is such a hopeful time of...
Some folks just don't like greens very much...but in this recipe, .the spinach is almost entirely...
Substitute spinach with arugula or any bitter green.
Everybody has favorite pizza topping, we love ours veggie style. This time: broccoli, spinach,...
Cubed steaks filled with spinach and three cheeses.
This was an easy and quick prepared dinner after a busy day. I'm starting to feel little sad for...
Although the sweetness of fruit is a taste not commonly associated with chicken, it plays nicely...
This is an awesome recipe and so healthy! This is one soup though where you should be careful...