Sweet raw carrot cake covered with cashew cream glaze and finished with walnuts and cinnamon.The...
This is one light and super easy recipe for making healthy banana pancakes.These are so sweet and...
You will be amazed at the unique taste and flavor of this peanut butter pie,considering how easy it...
For many people and chocolate lovers,nutella is the favorite,sweet spread on a slice of bread for...
This is one of my favorite recipes for healthy cookies.They are really sweet and delicious.These...
Chewy, sweet, full of almonds and coated in dark chocolate, these Paleo chocolate Florentines are...
Christmas…With smell of cinnamon.Christmas…With sweet apples. He have to make this healthy and...
Awesome,sweet,fudgy,yummy and tasty sweet,walnut balls.Perfect snack trough the day or dessert....
These muffins are amazing and so,so sweet and yummy.This recipe yield about 12 muffins.Each of them...
The date butter is amazing in taste and it can be made really easy.This is one of my favorite...
A strawberry shortcake cups recipe that is a delicious treat and a welcome addition to an afternoon...
These Simple Hazelnut Cookies have crisp edges, chewy middles, and more importantly, they are...
100% raw, no-bake, paleo, vegan, gluten-free chocolate caramel cups made with quality dark...
No dessert is more decadent than a rich, creamy cheesecake. Make the most flavorful, fall inspired...
Kesari / halwa with fresh fruit is just awesome. Pineapple kesari is a sweet dish prepared with...
Halloween is almost here & the first thing I think of is candy corn. This Candy Corn Trifle...
I was invited to spend some time at the Ameristar Casino and Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri...
These sticky mango caramels are bursting with the taste of mango.
Father's Day deserves the sweetest and most decadent of desserts to show dad how sweet you are...
Baked Nutella S’mores - All the wonderful flavors of s'mores without an open fire! Dark...