White chocolate cupcakes designed to look like the 1-Up mushrooms of Mario. Recipe originally...
Here is an easy and festive way to create Halloween-inspired cupcakes that both kids and adults...
Feel like a million bucks but at a fraction of the cost with Tiffany Cupcakes!
I was browsing through blogs one day on foodgawker and I came across these really cute chocolate...
This is a very easy frosting to work with. But it does take a while before it gets to resemble...
A very dark, lightly bitter chocolate cake that will go well with a vanilla or cream cheese...
I quickly referred to a saved recipe I saw at Kelly's website Vegan Thyme. She shared a beautiful...
This recipe achieves a delightful, light and creamy frosting ideal for delicate cakes and buns. It...
Have you ever opened up your kitchen and let someone else cook for you? How did it feel? Our...
I made these delicious cupcakes for my friends birthday and they were a huge hit! Everyone likes...
This is an original and one of a kind recipe inspired by some leftover raspberry puree asking to...