Sweet and spicy meet in Sriracha is added to Peanut Butter cookies. Must have additions include...
These chocolate chip pancakes are such a treat anytime of the day! Gluten free, Nut free, Vegan.
These chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream sandwiches from Pinch of Yum are a must-make summertime...
These cookies are the love child of Alton Brown’s “The Chewy” chocolate chip cookies and the...
These banana chocolate chip muffins from Cup of Sugar Pinch of Salt is a dynamite breakfast. ...
Whole Foods Market recently recalled their Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies for undeclared walnuts....
You've heard of chocolate chip bread, you've maybe even heard of chocolate chip banana...
These vegan and gluten-free chocolate chip cookies from Tasty Yummies are an easy dessert that...
These outrageous Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies from Iowa Girl Eats are the ultimate...
These chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite vegan desserts. They are soft. and...
The holidays is synonymous with cookies. We make them for our friends and family, give them...
Having a list of cakes and other simple to make treats in your recipe box, is always a good idea....
Red Velvet has become a sensation, you can find it in almost any bake shop. And for good...
There are some fundamental differences that make up a person. Choices that become habits that...
A chocolate chip cookie is a drop cookie that originated in the United States and features...
The batter will come out fairly wet, so if you want nice shaped cookies, I suggest you pipe them...