I love chili! My favorite way to cook it is in the crockpot, so the house smells scrumptious all...
Burger and fries? Please. There is something tastier: The Torta. The Mexican sandwich. Usually...
A cold night deserves a thick, robust, fill-your-belly-and-your-soul kind of soup. As a kid, fideo...
Savory, spicy beef and beans topped with cheddar bacon roll-up biscuits. View the full post here:...
Slow cooker pasta e fagioli from LeMoine Family Kitchen is a satisfying fall soup. Creamy...
Baked beans are a must-have at your Labor Day barbecue. This version is hearty and packed...
I happen to be a big fan of beans in just about any form. They make a wonderful healthy side dish...
I like to make this recipe by toasting my own seeds, preparing the beans from dried and dicing...
You don't have to be vegan to fall in love with this baked beans recipe. The smoky flavor in...
This Mexican lasagna is like a blank canvass; perfect opportunity for you to layer soft corn...
It’s a simple and healthy meal recipe with brown rice, french beans and fenugreek leaves which is...
Smoked turkey and lentil soup from The Roasted Root is an easy and inexpensive Sunday supper....
For quite some time I've wanted to give a meatless burger a try. There really wasn't...
This light and healthy lentil and vegetable salad from Cooking with Michele will help you...
No dish better represents comfort than cassoulet. This classic thick and rich French stew is...
Vegan slow cooked refried beans from Vegan in the Freezer is one delicious way to satisfy a craving...
This is a delicious vegetarian chili; I don’t think you will miss the meat. Enjoy with Love,...