These refreshing and healthy edamame puree-filled cucumbers make the perfect appetizer or light...
This teriyaki chicken sandwich is a tantalizing meal. Slices of chicken breasts are tossed in...
Change up your cocktail and sip on something a little different like Thai basil sangria. ...
Marinated cucumber salad is as delicious as it is simple. Thinly sliced cucumber is tossed...
People often assume that tofu is bland and tasteless. This recipe for sesame seared tofu says...
on April 18th, The Los Angeles dim sum crawl allows foodies to sample the cuisine from four...
Sweet and sour cauliflower with pineapple from Keepin it Kind is a vegan Chinese inspired dish that...
Dolsot bibimbap is a classic Korean dish of rice, sometimes meat (though not on Meatless Monday!),...
Genji Sushi shares their recipe for shrimp summer rolls, a popular menu item, with Foodista readers...
Pasta Primavera with miso dressing is an Asian twist on this classic Italian dish. Fusili...
A sushi dinner can cost you a pretty penny but if you make it at home, it is cost effective and...
Sake "Pop-Up" Bar Courtesy of Hanna Lee Communications, Inc. Photo Credit: Andrew...
P.F. Chang's Mongolian beef is a popular item on the menu but with this copycat recipe from...
By this time you are sick eating fish filet sandwiches and fish sticks on Fridays. To liven...
Roasting cabbage brings out the rich, nutty flavor of this versatile vegetable. We think this...
General Tso's chicken is sweet, spicy, and absolutely delicious. This lighter and gluten-...
Thai turkey lettuce wraps are a tantalizing Southeast Asian dish. Ground turkey is seasoned...
Today's new food is called Pandan Bread. It is made with a tropical plant called Pandan, or...
Shrimp fried rice is a Chinese take-out favorite. This same recipe can used to also make chicken or...
Sriracha salt is a must-have seasoning for all your dishes. If you are a heat seeker, then...