Sexy Smoked Haddock Chowder

April 3, 2013

A benefit of living next to a lobsterman, is being able to get the freshest fish. We just ordered 50 pounds of fresh (not frozen) haddock, vacuum packed and ready to freeze. Now, I am compiling all the recipes I need to have fish once a week. 

This smoked haddock chowder is a nice way to change up the flavor of the fish, without too much effort. If your family likes seafood chowder, they will love this. Remember to use the best fish you can find-fresh or frozen. It makes a difference!

Sexy Smoked Haddock Chowder


· onion, finely chopped
1 · leek, sliced fine
3 tablespoons · plain flour
200 grams · tin of Cannelini beans in water, drained
400 grams · smoked skinned haddock fillets (about 2)

Click here for complete instructions

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