Japanese researcher Mitsuyuki Ikeda has come up with perhaps the greenest alternative to the livestock industry yet: he's engineered fake meat from human feces. Ikeda's artificial meat is made from extracting lipids and protein from "sewage mud," combining these lipids with a reaction enhancer and putting the whole thing in an exploder to combine it. Steak sauce and soy sauce add saltiness and a dash of umami to the fake meat.
Mitsyuki Ikeda's fake meat from human feces may not float your proverbial boat, but it's an innovative form of food production that reuses one of the most renewable substances on the planet. Ikeda notes that the "burgers" are low in fat and, because they don't rely on livestock, won't raise carbon emissions or waste.
Check out a video of Mitsuyuki Ikeda's fake meat from human feces below. Would you ever eat one of these poop-sourced patties?
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June 14, 2011
Soon "Turd-ucken" will be a much more accurate description. :D
June 15, 2011
P00 P00 Platter anyone?
June 15, 2011
Soylent Green is POO!
June 16, 2011
No f'ing way would I eat this! Ironically, I can just see the socialist governments of the world (Obama administraion included) mandating we all eat this because of "Global Warming"...
June 16, 2011
Idiot... not saying its not disgusting but what are you talking about, obviously you don't know the meaning of irony.
June 16, 2011
Don't be so hard on yourself by calling yourself an idiot. It's not your fault you voted for Obama. You were simply caught up in the moment of his cult of personality.
The US has been eating poopy sandwhiches since Obama got into office!
June 16, 2011
seriously, what does this have to do with obama?? are you retards so full of hate that you can't visit one website without mentioning his name???
June 17, 2011
Everything has to do with Obama, just like previously everything had to do with Bush. I don't hate Obama, he's just seriously incompetent. So where is the hate?
June 16, 2011
disgusting. I try to do the whole "live green" thing....but this is terrible.
June 17, 2011
This is quite literally star trek food replicator tech in its' infancy. the potential ramifications for large-scale/long duration spaceflight are ENORMOUS - NASA needs to hire this guy NOW!