How Clean Is Your Office Fridge?

May 3, 2011

open refrigerator

We have plenty of time to clean the refrigerator in our house, but we don’t have as much time cleaning the one in the office. Food Safety NewIt is equally important to keep the office refrigerator clean. Here are a few tips to keep it spic and span:

1. Keep the temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit to protect food from rapid bacterial growth. A cold temperature slows down the growth of germs and bacteria. Any higher temperature may double their number in just minutes.

2. Make a regular schedule to throw out perishable foods left inside the refrigerator. Cooked leftover foods must be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of four days. Post food storage guidelines on the refrigerator door for reminders.

3. Immediately wipe up spills.

4. Clean surfaces with hot and soapy water.

5. Place an opened box of baking soda inside the fridge to help eliminate odors and keep the refrigerator smelling fresh.

6. Never place solvent cleaning agents, cleansers, and abrasives inside the refrigerator. Aside from the damage this may cause on the interior finish, the food and ice cubes could absorb the chemicals and ultimately affect our health.

Share these tips with all your co-workers. Remember that the office refrigerator is everyone’s shared responsibility. Good, safe, and healthy food affects our work behavior positively, as well as a clean and hygienic work area.

Photo by: bradipo

