Cow urine cola -- better known as gau jal, or "cow water" -- is India's healthy answer to soda like Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Cow Protection Department created the unusual beverage to take advantage of the health-giving properties that Hindus believe are found in cow urine and feces. The Telegraph reports that cow waste has antiseptic properties and is therefore used in foods and beverages to cleanse the body.
RSS Cow Protection Department director Om Prakash says of the cow urine cola, "It has immense potential to cure various diseases. The acceptance of cow urine as a potent medicine is increasing day by day."
The cow is considered sacred in India, so it's no wonder that products made from cow waste and byproducts are similarly held in high regard. Will cow urine cola catch on outside India?
Photo by: foxypar4