Nigri Sushi


5 cups short-grain rice
5 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 cup salt
Assorted fish, sliced fluke, yellow tail,


Prepare Rice: Wash rice until rinsing water runs clear and drain in a colander for 1 hour. In a large pot with a close-fitting lid combine rice and water, cover and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil over high heat 2 minutes, then over medium heat 5 minutes. Reduce heat and cook 15 minutes, or until all water has been absorbed. Remove from heat. Remove lid, cover with a clean kitchen towel and replace lid. Set aside 10 to 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in an enameled saucepan slowly heat vinegar mixture ingredients, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves. Plunge bottom of pan into a bowl of ice water to cool quickly.
Empty rice into a non-metallic tub and spread it evenly with a large wooden spoon. While you run spoon through rice to separate grains, very slowly add between 1/3 and 1/2 cup of cooled vinegar mixture until lightly moistened but not mushy. While you are mixing rice, have a helper fan rice to cool it. It should take about 10 minutes of mixing and fanning for rice to reach room temperature. Cover with a clean cloth until ready to use. Rice can be prepared up to 1 day ahead.
Choose fish or shellfish from a reputable fishmonger, informing him/her that you will be eating it raw. Have fishmonger cut fish into blocks to make it easy for you to slice as you prepare each sushi. Slice individual pieces for topping as you go along.
On work surface arrange a chopping board, a sharp knife, a clean, damp cloth, a small bowl of wasabi and a bowl of vinegared water for your fingers. Slice a piece of topping, place in left hand at base of fingers and dab some wasabi in center. Moisten your right hand, pick up some rice and form it into a little ball the size and shape of a ping pong ball. Lightly press rice onto topping, keeping fingers of your left hand flat. Press sides, then top and bottom, turn piece over and press again. Continue making sushi, arranging them decoratively on a platter.


1.0 servings


Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 12:19am



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