Barnaby Dorfman

Founder & Chairman of I love cooking, creating technology, and being a dad!


Posts by Barnaby Dorfman

January 20, 2011


Kale In the past year I've been trying to cook locally and seasonally. At first I thought it would be difficult and limit me to a diet of only a few foods, especially in winter. Instead, I've found...

September 2, 2010

During the 2010 International Food Blogger Conference Amy Sherman of Cooking with Amy displayed a slide in her presentation on "The Art of Recipe Writing," where she declared to food bloggers: "DO...

April 25, 2010

Greetings from Portland, OR! We just finished attending and presenting at the 2010 conference of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. It was a wonderful experience getting to...

December 7, 2009

We're live blogging from the Sorrento Hotel here in Seattle tonight in a holiday sesion  of Night School's Drinking Lessons. Anu and Zane are the guest instructor/bartenders tonight and they are...

November 9, 2009

Christopher Kimball threw down the proverbial glove and issued a "Wiki vs. Test Kitchen Challenge" on October 15th. I publicly accepted within hours, but after 3 weeks, we still haven't heard back. I...

November 1, 2009

A couple of weeks ago I visited with Heath Putnam of Wooly Pigs at our local West Seattle farmer's market. We caught up a bit and discussed the development of our respective businesses. Just like...

October 15, 2009

Foodista has recently been covered in both the New York Times and TIME Magazine. I was quoted, and to provide a counterpoint, so was Christopher Kimball of Cook's Illustrated. Between these two...

July 29, 2009

I'm from New York City, my mother and grandmother were born in Rockville, Maryland. They always told me to never eat oysters in a month without an R (May, June, July, and August). Originally one of...

April 19, 2009

We released a new set of Linkback Widgets and Foodista Badges. Both are designed for food bloggers and should work with just about any design and color scheme. Linkback Widgets Want more traffic and...

April 17, 2009

Our friends over at Zeer have been hard at work building their iPhone app to allow you to access product reviews, nutritional information, photos and more about grocery items on the go. With all the...

April 11, 2009

Note: I'll be talking about Mamen's Recipes on "In the Kitchen" tonight at 5:00pm PT  on Seattle radio station KIRO 97.3 FM. The podcast will be available here after the show. My grandmother was born...

March 19, 2009

My favorite Mexican breakfast dish is Chilaquiles, but Machaca con Huevos is a close second. Part of why I love this dish so much is the incredible memory I have of the first time I had it. When I...

February 15, 2009

When we launched Foodista last December we included thousands of photos from the Flickr Creative Commons image matched to our Food, Cooking Technique, Kitchen Tool, and Recipe pages. As part of our...

February 7, 2009

I was raised on the Upper Westside of Manhattan and my all time favorite breakfast has always been bagels with lox and cream cheese. Since childhood, favorites purveyors have included Zabar's, Russ...

January 29, 2009

Years ago there was a Friends episode where Monica was guarding a secret family chocolate chip cookie recipe...handed down from grandma on a yellowed note card. But it turned out that it was the...

January 29, 2009

Last Saturday we had the pleasure of being invited to join Chef's Tom Douglas and Thierry Rautureau on their weekly cooking radio show In the Kitchen. For those not familiar with this duo, they are...

January 11, 2009

silky black chicken

I love trying new foods and get very excited when I discover one in a supermarket. When I travel to a new country, I often spend hours wandering the aisles of local markets. And, I'm an...

December 21, 2008

This is a trick I started performing at about the age of 12. I'm not sure where I first read about it, but I loved the idea of removing the bones from a turkey, sewing it up, and then stuffing it...

December 20, 2008

Spice is an important part of a good relationship. That's doubly true for our close friends John and Tracy. This is because John has a serious addiction to spicy food...I think he was Aztec Royalty...

October 24, 2008

Shortly after moving back to Seattle, I started hearing and reading about Wooly Pig, an heirloom variety of swine from Hungary. Also known as Mangalitsa, this pork is hard to find, expensive, and...

October 21, 2008

macoun apples

I grew up in New York and Vermont and have always had a belief that Northeastern apples are better than Washington apples. Now I know that will be offensive to a lot of people in my adopted state of...

October 15, 2008

In these tough economic times, it's easy to forget how well off most of us are. About half of the world's population lives in poverty and over a billion people live in extreme poverty. With the...

October 2, 2008

In the great startup tradition, we are working out of a funky space that is connected to the the back of an art gallery. Every first Thursday there is an artwalk here in Seattle and folks walk...

September 28, 2008

Photo: ampersandyslexia There's a wonderful article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal about Clear Creek Distillery in Portland, Oregon. I first discovered Clear Creek, and their fruit brandies,...

September 11, 2008

Do you love technology and cooking? Help us build Foodista! About you You live in the presentation layer. You are passionate about design, and have a superb sense of visuals and process flow. You...
