In these tough economic times, it's easy to forget how well off most of us are. About half of the world's population lives in poverty and over a billion people live in extreme poverty. With the stock market down and economic turmoil here in the United States, many are feeling scared and unsure about their own financial situation. One of the best ways to take some control and make a difference is to help others. Today is Blog Action Day 08 - Poverty, where thousands of bloggers come together to advocate for a cause, and this time the theme is reducing poverty.
A core effect of poverty is hunger and since this is a food blog, I got to thinking about ways to help people fight hunger and feed the world's poor. We are also a start-up, so I thought it would be a great combo to promote some of the food entrepreneurs on the micro-lending site Check out the interesting folks I found below and consider making a small loan to help people pull themselves up from poverty. Even $25 can make a difference!
October 20, 2008
Great post B! You are a mensch.
This is a great reminder that while many of us have to cut back during tough times, the majority of people in the world who struggle to survive have nothing to cut. These folks depend on orders from industrialized countries to stay alive. It is time to make sure that we don't forget about these people as we reduce our consumer spending. Thank you for providing the information about how we can do this as individuals.
October 27, 2008
How are you?, Do something for help those hungry people in Africa and India,
I created this blog about them:
December 2, 2008
How you think when the economic crisis will end? I wish to make statistics of independent opinions!
December 17, 2008
Barnaby...Came across the piece about your startup in the PI. Congrats.
Regarding the Blog Action Day - there are ways you can be active in fighting hunger right in your own backyard also. I've been working with Northwest Harvest for the past five years doing just that. It's been some of the most humbling work I've ever done. I invite you to check us out.
BTW - You might remember me from the sailing excursion out of Belligham in ~2000 when we were both getting our coastal navigation training.