
I learned to cook more than 20 years ago as a mother-to-be with the expectation that I would prepare healthy, homecooked meals for my little darling. As it turned out, the little darling refused to eat much more than cereal, PB&J, and macaroni for about 7 years. The cooking stuck, though, and I kept learning. Slowly but surely her list of acceptable foods grew and she began to actually consume what I so lovingly prepared. Now she is a happy, healthy college student and (believe it or not) a fairly adventurous eater.

I am forever in her debt. It was her impending arrival that inspired me to cook more than french fries and pot pies for the first time in my life. I instantly enjoyed the creative outlet that cooking provided and, over the years, it has become a true passion. I've always shared advice and recipes with others and have recently started a food blog in order to help me do that on a larger scale.
