Slice and bake sugar cookies were a staple when I was growing up. No matter the occasion, a roll of Pillsbury sugar cookie dough with a holiday shape was waiting in the fridge to be baked. For Christmas, there were Santa Claus hats and for Valentine's day a big red heart. Naturally, for Saint Patrick's Day, a green shamrock would be stamped in the middle. Incredibly soft and sweet, it is no wonder why I loved these cookies so much. Now that I am older (and slightly wiser), I like to make to bake a homemade version of these cookies at home for my son. Admittedly, the slice and bake store bought cookie dough is easier and faster but the effort and love I put into making these cookies from scratch makes it all worth it.
Shamrock Shape Sugar Cookies
Recipe from Bake Like a Pro
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 granulated sugar
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
1 egg
green food coloring
For full recipe instructions, watch the video below.
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