This was originally a vegetarian recipe, but if you use meat, onions, peppers, etc., pre-cook them...
This baked ziti makes a nutritionally-balanced meal in itself. Those with heartier appetites might...
Can substitute artificial sweetener for the sugar.
Gnocchi, a type of potato dumpling are often served with a simple red sauce or baked with a bit of...
Use hearty pasta from the frozen foods section for this filling dish. All you need to complete...
This recipe is for 24 servings (about 2 1/2 by 4 inches). Directions are given for dividing the...
This recipe was made by Hugh Carpenter at a cooking class at the Draeger's Culinary Center in San...
This makes enough sauce to adequately cover one pound of Spaghetti. Works well with thin spaghetti...
Lemon peel lends both tang and sweetness to this light summery dish. You can add extra salt if you...
Sauce an be prepared 3 days ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to simmer before tossing with...
For 4 servings, 2 cups of thinly-sliced mushrooms may be added at the same time as the garlic....
Udon is a type of thick wheat-flour noodle popular in Japanese cuisine. Udon is usually served hot...
Use your favorite type of noodle; add cooked vegetables or meat.