Wild mushroom fettuccine highlights the flavors of fall. Mushrooms are abundant during this...
Adorable little meatballs sure to please any kid, old or young!
Butternut squash gnocchi is a seasonal Italian specialty. Traditional gnocchi are made with...
Risotto, a classic creamy Italian rice dish, is made easy in the oven instead of the stove top....
In Southern Italian Desserts by Rosetta Costantino, she explores the sweet traditions of Calabria,...
Slow cooker spinach lasagna is an easy vegetarian meal. To create this Italian casserole,...
Marcella Hazan, a pioneer of Italian cuisine, died yesterday at 89 years old in Longboat Key,...
Chicken parmesan is a homey meal for any night of the week. Crispy chicken cutlets are...
Really, whats not to love about the slow cooker, just about anything that goes in comes out yummy!...
Eggplant parmesan is a delicious way to use up the last of this summer vegetable. This...
On a rainy day a cup of hot coffee / tea and to accomplish it some chips makes our day. Chips means...
Pasta e Fagioli simply means pasta and beans. This soup is really easy to make and is packed with...
There are some fantastic healthy alternatives to some of our favorite not so healthy eats, fries...
Stuffed eggplant from La Tavola Marche is an easy Italian dish for any night of the week. ...
This dish is one of my absolute favourites. Fresh seafood, ripe tomatoes, garlic, pasta? What more...
Slow cooked Italian beef, slightly bitter broccoli rabe and sharp provolone all wrapped up in a...
Chopped Italian salad in a jar from A Farm Girl Dabbles is a delicious meal on the go. ...
Summer cookbooks primarily focus on barbecue, fresh produce and frozen treats. This season, my...
Grilled pesto chicken will be a definite winner at your Labor Day barbecue. Boneless,...
My kids love just about anything they get to eat with their hands and they love dunking things! I...