Danish Blue Cheese
Made in Denmark, Danish Blue is a light, blue-veined cow's milk cheese. This semi-soft creamery cheese is typically drum or block shaped and has a white to yellowish, slightly moist, edible rind. Before aging, rods are used to pierce the formed curds to distribute the mold evenly through the cheese. The holes can still be seen when the finished wheel is cut open. Danish Blue was invented early in the 20th century by a Danish cheesemaker named Marius Boel with the intention of emulating a Roquefort-style cheese. Danish Blue has a milder flavor characterized by a sharp, salty taste. Internationally Danish Blue is often served crumbled on salads or as a dessert cheese with fruit, but the Danish way of eating it is on bread or biscuits.
Other names: Danablu, Danish Blue
Translations: Dānijas Blue Cheese, Danijos Blue Cheese, Daneză Blue Cheese, Danski plavi sir, Đan Mạch Blue Cheese, Duński Blue Cheese, Deense Blue Cheese, डैनिश ब्लू चीज़, Blue Cheese dinamarquês, Датский голубого сыра, Δανικό μπλε τυρί, الزرقاء الجبن الدنماركي, 덴마크어 블루 치즈, Dánský nivou, Denmark Blue Cheese, 丹麦蓝芝士, Formatge blau danès, Danski Blue Cheese, Dánsky nivou, רוקפור דנית, Dansk blåmögelost, Дански плави сир, デンマークブルーチーズ, Danoise au fromage bleu, Danske Blue Cheese, Danske Blue Cheese, Queso azul danés, Данська блакитного сиру, Tanskan Blue Cheese, Датското синьо сирене